I have many facets of yoga that I feel are important enough to share in a workshop setting. What this means is that I will be giving some information about the topic of the workshop, and then we will enter into a practice of this. There will always be time for discussion and sharing of experiences to learn how better to apply in your life. This is a great way to delve a bit deeper into something that may have piqued your interest during regular classes. Here are the current ones I offer:
The Art of Restorative Yoga
This 3 hour workshop teaches why restorative yoga is important, how to create a restorative practice, what props you use, and provides participants with two hours of a restorative sequence followed by a yoga nidra session. This workshop is for anyone who would like to release tension, feel rejuvenated, and learn how to do this for yourself at home.
A Matter of Life and Breath
This 3 hour workshop delves into the Prana Vayus, the energetic winds that exist within all of us, and why you want to know about how to work with them. This workshop includes experiencing how our breath normally is, how it can change under different conditions, and how you can deliberately change your breath to bring more vitality through all the Prana Vayus. We will then explore how to take this breath into movement. This workshop is part lecture, part assessing our breath on our own and in pairs, gentle movement with breath, and discussion of the participants experience along with how to include in any movement practice or just in your day to day life. This workshop is great for everyone, no previous yoga experience necessary!
Balanced Energy for Empowered Living
I developed this 3 hour workshop specifically for what is going on in your world. It is a great workshop for anyone who is experiencing any of the stress and anxiety of the rapidly changing world and political environment right now. The ancient art and science of Hatha Yoga has valuable tools that can help hit the “reset” button! If you would like to reconnect with the natural energy, wisdom, and the essential nature within you, join me to learn how to use your breath, body, and mind together to find the path to greater peace and clarity. Part of this workshop is lecture on key components of the physical and energetic bodies, and then practice of techniques for working with these systems. This workshop involves some sharing of information about Tantra and Hatha techniques, movement and meditation. This workshop is designed for anyone who has practiced some yoga, and is interested in learning more about using hatha techniques beyond the postures to connect with your energy and soul.

Bringing Spirit into Yoga
This two day, 12 hour workshop is for serious yoga practitioners who are looking to learn more about bringing the heart of yoga, unity, into their practice, without having to invest in a teacher training program. This course will delve into some of the philosophical roots of yoga and how they lead to practices that can enhance your connection with that deep, inner spirit within, enhance your health, mental clarity, and find the right practice for your life. Techniques of asana, pranayama, bandha, mudra, kriya, and meditation will be discussed and practiced, along with learning how to sequence these in your own practice at home.