Registration for 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Yoga Training Mary Byerly & Panacea YogaRegistration for 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Our 200 hour yoga teacher training programs include vigorous asana practices most days. We strongly recommend that applicants have one year of consistent asana practice and are relatively comfortable practicing intermediate backbends and inversions. If you are still learning yoga basics, this is not an appropriate training for you. Participants with a solid foundation in the fundamental yoga postures are welcome. It is important to engage this training with a level of maturity, a willingness to learn, and an understanding of the limits of your own body. It is not necessary that you plan to become a yoga teacher to participate in this training - it is also for anyone who wishes to deepen their knowledge of yoga. Registration for 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training* I meet the minimum requirement of having one year of more consistent asana practice. To obtain a certificate, you must attend 100% of the classes to comply with Yoga Alliance requirements, as well as complete the readings and written assignments. Please provide the following information as clearly and concisely as possible:Please provide the following information as clearly and concisely as possible:Name First Last Email PhoneHow did you find out about this training?3. Yoga experience: include how long you have practiced, teachers and methods that have been influential to you.4. Typical yoga practice: include examples of postures you practice during a typical session. Include how long you typically practice for and how many times per week. Also describe any other of your practices (e.g. meditation or prayer, breathing & pranayama, devotional or service practices).5. Other types of physical activity (besides yoga) you engage in and how often:6. Main objectives for attending this training?7. While it is not necessary to be able to do advanced Yoga postures it is essential that you are in good health and physical fitness to participate fully in this training. Please describe any physical issues, injuries, or health conditions that could affect your participation in the training:Liability Waiver* I acknowledge the inherent risks associated with Yoga and any physical exercise. I accept those risks and enter into the above mentioned teacher training freely of my own decision so that I will hold no-one (including Mary Byerly, other assistant trainers, or Panacea de la Montaña) to blame for any injury, whether physical or mental, arising out of the attendance of the training, associated exercises and following of any printed literature and use of the premises. A waiver to this effect will be provided to you for signature during the opening of training at Panacea. Acknowledgement* I acknowledge that all information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that incomplete or inaccurate information may result in my non-acceptance or dismissal from the program. I acknowledge that I have read the certification criteria and I understand, should I be accepted to attend teacher training, I will be evaluated using these criteria. I accept by entering a date below and by submitting this application. Today's Date* Month Day Year CAPTCHAThank you for your registration. Please send back to Mary at: This will be reviewed and you will receive an email from me within 48 hours of submission notifying you of whether the training you are applying for is still open, and how to submit your deposit.Namastè, Mary Byerly