Sharing on asanas, sutras, tantras, meditations, teacher trainings, and all things yoga I have experienced on this journey. I hope you find them useful, thought-provoking, entertaining, and helpful on your path. Please leave a comment to share your thoughts and ideas. May we grow together, and learn to truly live our yoga.
.. “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was thank you, that would suffice.” Meister Eckhart Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US or elsewhere that is celebrating...
Truly One of The Seven Wonders and Beyond!
“What an incredible experience!” This was the phrase spoken by all 15 people at the end of each day of our Peru retreat. It was a magical mystery tour and many of the mysteries...
“Be Here Now” Ram Dass
In the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, there are eight limbs of yoga described. Three of the last four are Pratyahara (withdrawing of the senses), Dharana (concentration), and Dhyana...
Saucha, aka Cleaning Up Your Act
In one of my earlier articles, I wrote about the Yamas and Niyamas, yoga philosophy’s moral underpinings from the Sutra of Patanjali. This article will focus on one of the...
Mindfulness Meditation
In Patanjalii’s Yoga Sutras, the 8 limbs include Pratyahara (withdrawing the senses), Dharana (intense focus), and Dhyana (meditation, or the uninterrupted awareness). Each of...
Alternate Nostril Breath (Nadi Shodhana)
A couple years ago, I spent an incredible month in Bali, adding to my yoga teacher tools. Imagine if you will, spending all day for a month practicing and absorbing teachings of...